Special Brush Pick-Up Notice!
Beginning Monday, October 7, Public Works will begin a city-wide sweep to collect all limbs, etc., left over from Hurricane Helene. They will begin with the Friday route and continue their efforts until the entire city has been covered. We are already in our Fall Brush Pick-Up schedule, with today’s route being Thursday. Public Works staff will work today and this week to complete the “normal” Thursday schedule. The Thursday route will also be included in the Special Brush Pick-Up beginning next week.
Brush Pickup Guidelines

Yard Waste Disposal Tips

Posted on March 4, 2021

Yard waste 2

Recommended by the Environmental Advisory Commission (EAC)

Weekly Curbside Collection – Each week, from March to October, Rumpke will pick up three paper leaf bags or one 90-gallon rolling tote, clearly marked “Yard Waste,” or three bundles of yard waste for free if placed at the curb alongside your weekly trash. No plastic bags are allowed. More than three bags require a $3 sticker placed on each extra item. The stickers can only be purchased at City Hall.

Beginning November 1 every year, Rumpke conducts an unlimited yard waste pick-up. The unlimited collection is contracted for 5-weeks; however, City Council annually reviews the program’s extension for an additional 3 weeks. If approved, eight weeks of unlimited yard waste collection is provided to residents with no stickers required.

Special Bulk Brush Collection is performed by the Public Works Department. This free chipping service is conducted in April and September each year. Please visit montgomeryohio.org to determine your week of pick-up and to get more detailed instructions. Yard waste is sent to a separate “green area,” not the landfill.

Composting – Adding leaves to a backyard composter can be the perfect solution to balance the Carbon / Nitrogen ratio. In Spring, when the compost gets warm, dried leaves are scarce. Consider saving bags of fall leaves in the garage or basement.  The Greater Cincinnati Leaf Exchange (found on Facebook) is a way to contact people who have leaves to share or who are looking for leaves. Using fall leaves in compost helps create the perfect soil for your garden, flower beds, or treed areas.

Mulching – Leaves won’t hurt your lawn if chopped with a mulching mower. Leaves form a natural mulch that helps suppress weeds and fertilizes the soil as it breaks down. It’s important to keep the sewer drainage areas clear of debris.

Thank you for keeping yard waste out of the landfill!

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