What To Expect When You See The Bluebird Logo

Posted on March 3, 2022

Blue Bird - Montgomery Mental Health Initiative LogoWhen You See The Bluebird Logo, Expect to see Mental Health & Wellness Information

The City of Montgomery recognizes mental health and wellness as a growing concern for our families, community, and the nation. You may have noticed our new Bluebird Logo in the February Bulletin. When you see the new logo, you can expect mental health and wellness information and resources for help.

Why a Bluebird?

The bluebird symbolizes hope, love, and renewal in many cultures. Even in the harshest climates, when bluebirds have a scarcity of food, they will manage to sing cheerfully. It is a sign that you should never lose faith, even in your darkest hours. You must hold to the belief that it will all be alright in the end. https://www.sonomabirding.com/bluebird-symbolism/

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