What do the different pleas mean?

A plea of guilty is an admission that you have committed the offense of which you have been charged. If you plead guilty, a statement will be given on behalf of the City concerning the events constituting the charge. If you choose, you will then be permitted to make a statement on your own behalf.

A plea of no contest is not an admission of guilt, but it is an admission of the facts alleged in the complaint or traffic citation as well as other facts presented by the prosecution at the time of the plea. You are leaving it up to the Court to decide your guilt or innocence based on those facts. You should realize that in almost every instance a plea of no contest will result in a guilty finding.

A plea of not guilty requires a trial. At the trial, the City must prove each element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. Please do not hesitate to plead not guilty if you feel you are innocent of the charge, or if you dispute the facts stated in the complaint or traffic citation. If you plead not guilty, your case will be set for trial tried 1 to 3 weeks from your initial court appearance.

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