Special Brush Pick-Up Notice!
Beginning Monday, October 7, Public Works will begin a city-wide sweep to collect all limbs, etc., left over from Hurricane Helene. They will begin with the Friday route and continue their efforts until the entire city has been covered. We are already in our Fall Brush Pick-Up schedule, with today’s route being Thursday. Public Works staff will work today and this week to complete the “normal” Thursday schedule. The Thursday route will also be included in the Special Brush Pick-Up beginning next week.
Brush Pickup Guidelines

How do I obtain a solicitation permit?

A permit is required to conduct door-to-door solicitations in the City of Montgomery. To inquire how to obtain a permit or to check to see if a solicitor has obtained a permit, call the Montgomery Police Department at 513-985-1600. “No Solicitors” signs are available upon request at the Montgomery Police Department.

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