Site preparation for Phase 1 of the Montgomery Quarter project is substantially complete, and two parking garages are underway. The construction of the parking garages by Gateway Partners Montgomery, LLC, is the next step in bringing the long-awaited development to fruition and will allow for vertical construction of buildings to begin. Phase 1 includes plans for a boutique hotel, office, retail and restaurant space, condominiums, and luxury, lifestyle apartments. The new mixed-use neighborhood will complement the Heritage District, provide vitality to the area, and serve as a spectacular gateway into the city that will enhance the entire community for current and future residents, businesses, and visitors.
Construction continues on the roundabout at the terminus Ronald Regan Cross County Highway. The existing traffic pattern will remain in place throughout the winter months, with construction resuming in the early spring. It is anticipated that the roundabout will be complete in the early summer of 2021.
For more information on this project, contact Tracy Henao, assistant city manager / acting community development director, at thenao@montgomeryohio.org or 513-792-8312.